Now very soon the 3D of NH-333A will be fully ready. Executive Engineer Ravindra Kumar said the above things on Thursday. Told them that the work of NH-333A is going on with a lot of noise. And it is expected that work will be visible on the ground in the next 6 months. It is to be known that the construction of NH-333A is proposed from Barbigha to Panjwara. However, the people of the Shimultala area are very happy about the road construction. The reason is that this road in Simultala is passing through the middle of the market.
According to the alignment, the national road to Gopal Mandir will be two-lane from the middle of village Bhartiya Sarvodaya Ashram via Simultala Bazar at some distance from Lohia Chowk market. According to sources, 75 percent of the land owner or the nature of the land has been received. While the remaining land is being ascertained through the Circle Officer. As soon as all the information about the land is received, the construction process will be started. Then the land acquisition work will start. At the same time, the Lok Samiti has approved the DPR related to the construction of the road.
Let me tell you that Rs 900 crore has been allocated for its construction. Let me tell you that 14 bypasses and two railway overbridges are to be constructed in this national highway. Railway overbridge to be built in Narganjo and Sheikhpura. Bypasses are proposed to be constructed at Mangobandar, Sheikhpura, Khaira, Jamui, Kendua, Sono, Narganjo, Jhajha, Sikandra, Katoria, Bhairoganj, Lakpura, Banka and Panjwara. At the same time, 8 new bridges are being built by demolishing the old bridges. Eight out of 14 bypasses are to be constructed in Jamui district.
The total length of the road is 190.20 km. This includes Banka – 7.194 km, Jamui – 4.311 km, Sikandra – 2.758 km, Khaira – 3.927 km, Narganjo – 1.972 km, Kendua – 2.070 km, Jhajha – 8.869 km, Sono – 1.746 km, Katoria – 1.681 km, Bhaironganj – 2.029 km. , Mangobandar – 1.894 km, Panjwara – 1.940 km, Lakpura – 3.620 km bypass is to be built. Along with this, 388 culverts, 6 big bridges, 62 small bridges, one railway under bridge, two railway overbridges, 35 big junctions and 120 small junctions are to be constructed for the road.
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